Jan. 21, 2020 – June 1, 2020 | Smathers Library Gallery
John David Ridge: A Life in Costume
John David Ridge (1945 – ) worked as a costume designer, costume maker, and costume supervisor on stage, film, and television. The exhibition highlights his career including work with The Joffrey Ballet, Halston, and Julie Andrews, as well as costume design for the Spider-Man trilogy (2002–2007). Curated by Jim Liversidge.

January 13, 2020 – October 15, 2021 | Marston Science Library
Save Our Springs
The majority of your water in Florida is provided by essential aquifer systems. You may have visited nearby springs that feed our rivers, but where does that water come from? Our aquifers and springs are at risk due to pollution, vegetation damage, and overpumping. What can we do to save our springs? Curated by Michelle Leonard.

Are We Next? Fear and Social Roles in WWII
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, war saturated everyday life in the Panama Canal Zone. Fear shaped expectations of what it meant to be a patriot; be it a soldier, a civilian, a person of color, or a gendered ideal. Developed as part of the graduate Exhibitions Seminar in Museum Studies. Curated by Elizabeth A. Bouton with assistance from Elizabeth Bemis.

August 31, 2020 – December 15, 2020 | Smathers Library Gallery
Let's Talk About Sex
Children’s literature illustrates the changing attitudes towards sex education over time. Increased sex education has grown young people's sexual knowledge, awareness, and autonomy. It has also improved their attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health and behaviors while affirming the position of sex education within a larger framework of human rights. Curated by Hunter McDaniel.

November 16, 2020 – February, 26 2021 | Marston Science Library
Cultivating a Love of Plants: The Legacy of H. Harold Hume
Dr. Hume was an expert gardener, best known for his work with citrus, camellias, and hollies. Throughout his lifetime, he encouraged others to nurture a love of plants and recognized the positive effects gardening has on human health, a discipline now known as horticultural therapy. This exhibit features selections from Hume’s personal library (over 900 items) that he donated to the Agriculture Library named in his honor. The collection was integrated into Marston Science Library in 1987. Curated by Tara Cataldo and Suzanne Stapleton.