February 9, 2018 – March 30, 2018 | Smathers Library Gallery
Visualizing the Natural World
How we talk about nature reveals the place we claim in the world. Visualizing the Natural World encapsulates ways of knowing through the eyes of scientists and their work. Curated by Haven Hawley, Valrie Minson, and Sam Huang.

February 16, 2018 – May 11, 2018 | Latin American & Caribbean Collections
José Revueltas: Literary and Political Duality
To read José Revueltas is to approach one of Mexico’s most talented and politically involved authors of the twentieth century. His novels reflect an intriguing mind, dedicated to improving societal conditions in Mexico through literature. The bilingual exhibit includes signed copies of some of Revueltas' most notable works. Curated by Katiana Bagué and Margarita Vargas-Betancourt.

March 2, 2018 – April 2, 2018 | Smathers Library Lobby
University of Florida Yearbooks
Highlighting the history of the UF yearbooks. The first yearbook, The Seminole, was published from 1910 until 1973. In 1983, it was renamed The Tower. The last University of Florida yearbook was published in 2007. Curated by Peggy McBride.

March 3, 2018 – February 1, 2019 | Albert H. Nahmad Panama Canal Gallery
Served in the Zone
An exhibition of food and community identity during the American Era of the Panama Canal Zone. Served in the Zone features photographs, artifacts, and ephemera paired with memories from former Canal Zone residents to illustrate their impact. Curated by Elizabeth A. Bouton.

March 16, 2018 – May 7, 2018 | Marston Science Library
Then and Now: Celebrating African American contributions in STEAM
Then and Now: Celebrating African American contributions in STEAM showcases some of the lesser-known, “unseen”, but significant research in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) by African Americans. Curated by Joe Aufmuth and Melody Royster.

April 9, 2018 – June 8, 2018 | Smathers Library Gallery
30 Years of Conservation in the Libraries
Celebrating 30 years of the Smathers Libraries Preservation Department, this exhibition highlights the differences between preservation and conservation and the many ways Smathers staff have helped collections last. Curated by Fletcher Durant.

April 9, 2018 – June 29, 2018 | Smathers Library Lobby
From Generation to Generation: Gainesville Remembers the Holocaust
This community-inspired exhibition explores how the Holocaust is remembered and memorialized by the residents of Gainesville, Florida. The exhibit offers a glimpse into the daily lives of European Jews in the pre-war period, provides personal insights into their experiences during WWII and the Holocaust, and illustrates their varied attempts to re-build their lives. Curated by Rebecca Jefferson and Katalin Rac.

June 18, 2018 – August 3, 2018 | Smathers Library Gallery
Imagining the Classical World: Greece and Rome through the Centuries
Imagining the Classical World explores how the ideas of ancient Greece and Rome have been visually communicated since the Renaissance. Curated by Jessica Aberle and Megan Daly.

August 13, 2018 – October 5, 2018 | Smathers Library Gallery
Racism, Representation, and Resistance in Children’s Literature 1800 – 2015
Racism, Representation, and Resistance explores the long history of racism in children’s literature by examining the dehumanization and colonization of people of color, primarily Africans and African Americans. It also explores how self-representational children’s books by African American authors resisted and subverted racist ideologies. Curated by Suzan Alteri, Stephanie Birch, and Dr. Hélène Huet.

August 27, 2018 – November 25, 2018 | Marston Science Library
Frankenstein: Scientific Inspiration and Outcomes
An exhibit in honor of the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley's Frankensteinkenstein. Frankenstein: Scientific Inspiration and Outcomes begins with the science that inspired Shelley and looks ahead to current biomedical research to hypothesize what technology Dr. Victor Frankenstein might have utilized as a scientist in 2018. Curated by Dr. Sara Russell Gonzalez.

October 22, 2018 – December 18, 2018 | Smathers Library Gallery
Black Educators: Florida's Secret Social Justice Advocates 1920-1960
Black Educators: Florida's Secret Social Justice Advocates celebrates the 60th Anniversary of Desegregation at the University of Florida by showcasing the role of Black educators in the 40 years before the Civil Rights Movement. Curated by Dr. Diedre Houchen and Florence M. Turcotte.

November 9, 2018 – December 18, 2018 | Smathers Library Lobby
Catalyst presents four years of the Coffey Residency in Book Arts. Displayed alongside the completed artist's books are some of the materials from UF Special and Area Studies that served as inspiration. Curated by Ellen Knudson.